TESME 2024-11-09T02:19:03+00:00 Open Journal Systems PENGARUH VARIASI DAYA TURBIN ANGIN TERHADAP EFISIENSI DAYA GENERATOR 2024-07-11T12:18:48+00:00 Siti Chalimah Ramadhani Setyobudi Amajida Sadrina Muhammad Hendra Budi Satria Tria Puspa Sari <p><em>This study aims to analyze the impact of turbine power variation on the efficiency of generator power. The data used in this research includes turbine power and generator power obtained from direct observations under various operational conditions. The analysis involves examining the correlation between turbine power and generator power, as well as calculating generator efficiency at different levels of turbine power. Additionally, generator efficiency is determined by comparing the generator's output power with the input power from the turbine. The results indicate that generator efficiency varies according to changes in turbine power, with some values showing very high efficiency at specific turbine power levels. In this study, turbine power ranges from 0.3374 W to 1.7833 W, while the generated power varies from 0.2452 W to 1.6332 W. The analysis results demonstrate a significant linear relationship between turbine power and generator power, which can be represented by a simple linear equation. These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing the performance of turbine-based power generation systems and can serve as a reference in the design and operation of power plants to achieve higher energy efficiency.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME DESIGN AND BUILD OIL SLICING MACHINES WITH RPM VARIATIONS TO INCREASE THE SLITTING CAPACITY 2024-09-09T11:04:38+00:00 Hilza Arrun Geralfine Muhammad Arif Hidayat Abdillah Romadhoni Widodo Ferdian Wisam Prayoga Dhimas Yogie Nugraha Luluk Edahwati <p><em>One of the problems in making chips is the amount of oil contained in the frying product that can only be cut using a simple filter. It's important to have a sequencing technology that can reduce oil on frying outputs as this can lead to quality decline. The main components of the oil cutting machine consist of the electric motor that drives it, the iron frame that serves as its seat, and a tubular-shaped tubular drainer. It starts with the provision of materials and tools, the design and production of tools, the demonstration of these tools, and the provision of cutting machines to partners. The cutting machine can improve the quality of the chips and has a frying capacity of 3 kg with better results. The cherry doesn't look brownish, and looks yellow. The quality is also shown by the amount of oil produced that is spilled. The result of this engine design is a design or design of an oil cutting machine on a 3 kg capacity chip using a 70 Watt electric motor. Used beams with diameters of 38.1 mm and 127 mm. Used Beams with diameter of 16 mm with material Steel St 37</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ANALISA FAKTOR KEAMANAN PADA DESAIN ALAT DIE CUT MENGGUNAKAN SIMULASI FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSYS 2024-08-16T14:44:49+00:00 H. Pilargenta Chynta Maharani Putri M. D. Fathur M.A.A. Qoroni <p>Penelitian ini menganalisa kekuatan dari material yang akan diagunakan pada alat <em>die cut press </em>menggunakan metode <em>finite elemen analysis </em>(FEA) pada <em>software Solidworks. </em>Analisa ini dilakukan agar alat <em>die cut </em>terhindar mengalami kegagalan kerja sehinggaa alat <em>die cut press </em>tetap aman. Dengan menggunakan pembebanan sebesar 1726 Newton. Serta variabel bebas dari tiga material yaitu baja AISI 1020, baja ST-37 dan baja ASTM A-36. Serta variabel terikatnya yaitu <em>safety factor. </em>Dari hasil yang didapatkan pada analisa FEA menghasilkan nilai <em>safety factor </em>pada baja ST-37 yaitu 5,95, kemudian pada baja ASTM A-36 nilai <em>safety factor </em>nya yaitu6,33 dan pada baja AISI 1020 mengahasilkan nilai <em>safety factor </em>sebesar 8,87. Dari data sheet material menunjukkan bahwa salah satu nilai yang berupa <em>elastic modulus </em>pada baja ST-37 menghasilkan nilai 205 Gpa, kemudian pada baja ASTM A36 memiliki nilai 199 Gpa, dan baja AISI 1020 memiliki nilai 210 Gpa. Baja AISI 1020 memiliki keunggulan untuk digunakan sebagai alat <em>die cut press </em>meskipun dari ketiga material menunjukkan <em>safety factor </em>(FOS) &gt; 1. Namun dengan pertimbangan variabel yang lain yaitu, <em>cost analysis, data sheet material </em>menunjukkan bahwa baja AISI 1020 lebih mudah untuk di proses dan lebih mudah untuk dicari bahan material bajanya</p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ANALISIS TURBULENCE PADA WING TIP DENGAN VARIASI WINGLET PADA AIRFOIL NACA 2412 2024-08-10T12:42:12+00:00 Adonnis pratama Ahmad Khairul Faizin Musyaroh Anisah Nurul Izzah <p>Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh variasi winglet terhadap aliran turbulensi di sekitar ujung sayap menggunakan airfoil NACA 2412. Simulasi Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) digunakan untuk mengevaluasi performa aerodinamis sayap dengan dan tanpa winglet, khususnya pada sudut serang yang berbeda. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sayap tanpa winglet menghasilkan gaya angkat terendah sebesar 2.492788 pada sudut serang 0° dan tertinggi sebesar 5.822195 pada 15°. Sebaliknya, sayap dengan winglet menunjukkan gaya angkat terendah sebesar 2.495922 pada 0° dan tertinggi sebesar 5.716398 pada 15°, terjadi pada sudut cant 60°. Perbandingan gaya hambat menunjukkan sayap tanpa winglet memiliki gaya hambat terendah sebesar 0.634936 pada sudut serang 30°, dan tertinggi sebesar 2.111957 pada cant 45° dengan sudut serang 15°. Penggunaan winglet secara signifikan mengurangi pembentukan vorteks di ujung sayap dan menurunkan gaya hambat, terutama pada sudut serang yang lebih tinggi. Temuan ini menekankan pentingnya desain winglet yang tepat untuk meningkatkan efisiensi aerodinamis dan mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar pesawat.</p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME RANCANG BANGUN MESIN BELT SANDER DENGAN MEJA PORTABEL 2024-07-29T07:28:06+00:00 hanifah qolbu rizqullah R Ardiza Alvin R.D. Pangestu F.A. Firmansyah W.D. Lestari <p><em>The demand for efficient and flexible tools is increasing in the manufacturing industry. The belt sander machine is an important tool in the finishing process. This research focuses on designing and constructing a portable table belt sander machine suitable for diverse work environments. The machine aims to deliver consistent, high-quality sanding results while being easy to transport and use across various materials. The methodology encompasses design, manufacturing, and testing stages. Design involves analyzing technical specifications and requirements, followed by the machine's fabrication according to the finalized design. Post-completion, comprehensive tests assess the machine's performance under varied operating conditions. Key results include a calculated shaft torque of 34.78 N.m and speeds of 368m m/s² for both Pulley 1 and Pulley 2. The belt sander's length measures 575.36 mm. Structural analysis reveals maximum Von Misses stress of 7.8076 N/m², minimum stress of 98.664 N/m², maximum displacement of 0.0559 mm, and a safety factor peaking at 4.041. Expectations are for the belt sander machine with a portable table to exhibit commendable sanding efficiency and mobility. Future research should focus on enhancing design reliability and integrating features like a dust collection system and adjustable belt speed.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ANALISIS EFISIENSI SOLAR CELL TIPE GH 100 WP-72 TERHADAP INTENSITAS CAHAYA 2024-07-25T05:09:34+00:00 Reza Mardiansah Zaky Ikhsanudin Achmad Imam Agus DwiYanto Achmad Robi <p><em>In utilizing solar energy to produce electrical energy, solar cells are used. A solar cell is a semiconductor element that can convert solar energy into electrical energy using the photovoltaic principle. Solar cells are utilized as a tool to convert sunlight containing photon energy to be converted into electrical energy. This research aims to understand the basic concepts of solar cells, and analyze the factors that affect the efficiency of solar cells in converting solar energy into electrical energy. Data collection was carried out using a GH 100 WP-72 solar cell, battery GTZ5S, and other supporting equipment and observations were made on the parameters of voltage, current, temperature, and light intensity. The data is processed and analyzed for relationships. The results of this test sequentially starting from the beginning of the test with a time of 15 minutes from 12.05 WIB to 12.35 WIB obtained figures for solar cell efficiency respectively of 8.63%, 10.94%, and 10.91%. For light intensity figures obtained by 229.36 W/m<sup>2</sup>, 180.80 W/m<sup>2</sup>, 181.31 W/m<sup>2</sup>. This research is expected to contribute in increasing the efficiency of solar cells with several parameters that affect the performance of solar cells.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> <strong>Solar Cell, Efficiency, Light Intensity</strong>.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME RANCANG BANGUN MESIN PENGAYAK PASIR OTOMATIS MENGGUNAKAN PENGGERAK MOTOR LISTRIK BERKAPASITAS 670W 2024-07-20T06:37:04+00:00 Muhammad Abidtha Khaidir Al Baihaqqi Leo Slamet Prasetyo Karim Vrischo Candra Kumara Wardana We Hariyono Ilham Yahya Habibie Tri Susanto Duwi Prasetyo Utomo Mochammad Coirul Soleh Luluk Edahwati <p>Sand sieving is an important process in the construction industry to ensure the sand used s of the appropriate quality and size. The manual sieving process is often time-consuming, labor-intensive, and provides inconsistent results. Therefore, this research aims to design and build an automatic sand sieving machine that uses a 670W electric motor drive. The design of this machine integrates mechanical and electrical components optimized for efficiency and performance. The 670W electric motor drive was chosen to provide sufficient power in the sieving process, while the automation system was designed to improve the consistency and quality of the sieving results. Tests were conducted to ensure the performance of the machine in actual situations. The test results show that the automatic sand sieving machine produces sand with more stable quality compared to the manual method. Thus, this machine can be a solution for construction that requires sieving sand but only uses a small number of workers.</p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ANALISIS PENGUJIAN KEKERASAN PADA PENAMBAHAN TALC SILICON RUBBER 2024-08-01T11:43:16+00:00 D Mirnanda FR Mawandi P D Safitri FHR Nurrokim WD Lestari <p>Silicon rubber is part of a polymer that has advantages in terms of elasticity, so mixing the two will provide characteristics of ductility and a better level of toughness so that it can be applied more widely, especially for locally made automotive products so that they can compete with export products in terms of quality. The hardness test is a test that functions to measure the resistance of a material to pressure on the surface. The hardness test used in this research uses the ISO-48-2018 method. The aim of this research is to determine silicon rubber components to produce test data so that the results of the rubber test data can classify rubber that is suitable for a product and develop new rubber formulas for special applications. improving rubber performance under certain conditions. By conducting this research, you can contribute to the development of better and innovative materials for various industrial and medical purposes.</p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME RANCANG BANGUN MESIN PENGERING BIJI KOPI SKALA RENDAH 2024-07-11T16:18:05+00:00 Iqbaal af Marcellino Azhar Kartiko Ananda Naufal Abid Bahijj Alhisyam Danny Setiawan Dwi Pambayu Radissa Dzaky Issafira <p><em>Drying coffee beans in the sun often faces long time constraints and is dependent on the weather. To overcome this, innovative coffee drying equipment is needed to increase drying efficiency and maintain the quality of coffee beans. This research aims to design, simulate and produce a coffee bean drying machine that is able to speed up the drying process and reduce the water content of coffee beans by up to 5-10%, thereby preventing spoilage and extending the storage period. In this research, a literature study was carried out by examining scientific journals, books and online sources related to drying machine design and manufacturing. SOLIDWORKS 2020 software is used to assist in designing components and assembling tools. The manufacturing process includes initial calculations,component production, and assembly to produce a prototype according to design. Tests are carried out to evaluate tool performance based on predetermined parameters, followed by analysis of data results to assess drying efficiency. The research results show that the designed coffee bean drying machine is effective in speeding up the drying process, reducing the water content of the coffee beans significantly, and increasing the selling value of the coffee beans.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ANALISIS OUTPUT GENERATOR TURBIN ANGIN SAVONIUS BERDASARKAN KECEPATAN ANGIN 2024-07-11T14:12:41+00:00 Ramadhani Setyobudi Siti Chalimah Amajida Sadrina Muhammad Hendra Satria Tria Puspa Sari <p><em>This research aims to optimize generator output based on wind speed. In wind power generation systems, wind speed is a crucial factor influencing the performance and efficiency of the generator. The data used in this study include wind speed, generator power, voltage, and current obtained from direct observations under various wind speed conditions. The observed wind speeds range from 3 m/s to 4.5 m/s, with generated power varying between 0.2452 W and 1.6332 W. Additionally, voltage and current data produced by the generator are recorded for each wind speed. The measured voltage ranges from 0.4 V to 1.315 V, while the generated current ranges from 0.613 A to 1.242 A. The analysis involves identifying the relationship between wind speed and generator output, as well as calculating generator efficiency based on the voltage and current generated. The results indicate a significant relationship between wind speed and generator power output. Generator efficiency also varies with changes in wind speed, with specific wind speeds showing notably high efficiency.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME INOVASI PENGERINGAN BUNGA ROSELLA RAMAH LINGKUNGAN: PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI SOLAR FOOD HYDRATOR 2024-10-31T03:36:22+00:00 MUHAMMAD AFIF ALHALIM Ivan Maulana Erganata Surya Buana Wiliandi Saputro <p><em>One of the most abundant commodities in Selopanggung village, Kediri Regency, is the rosella flower. Rosella flowers have numerous benefits when processed. However, the processing of rosella flowers in the community still uses conventional methods. The drying process is ineffective because it requires a lot of time and labor. This condition indicates that conventional drying can reduce the quality of rosella flowers. A drying machine with solar food dehydrator technology is one of the tools that can be used to produce high-quality rosella flowers. Drying at a temperature of 70℃ is the most effective type, resulting in the lowest final mass and a high heat transfer rate. The appropriate drying time for rosella flowers, resulting in a final mass of 0.205-0.152 kg with a final mass percentage of 15%, shows that the drying rate achieved is 1,33</em> <em>10<sup>-4</sup></em> <em> kg/m².h at a temperature of 70℃ and 1,25</em> <em>10<sup>-4</sup> kg/m².h at a temperature of 65℃.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME INOVASI PRODUK ALAT PENCUCI PAKAIAN SECARA MEKANIS HEMAT ENERGI 2024-07-10T08:40:59+00:00 Ahmad Khairul Faizin Muhammad Hafizh Ardi Nugroho Ernest Boas Tampubolon R.A Satya <p><em>Basically, the design process is the first step in the manufacturing process. Most of the production costs are determined in the design and design process. The number of components and assembly system used greatly influences assembly costs and assembly time. By carrying out product design and evaluation continuously, the level of product assembly performance and difficulties in the assembly process with assembly time and costs can be overcome. Every product has its constituent components. Among other things, the first part is the basic shape, size and purpose. In the second part there are specifications for the product, including price, packaging material, quality, name, type. </em><em>This manual clothes washing tool uses the design assembly (DFA) method. The DFA method is an approach used to determine product design with optimum time and cost. This method can also be used in designing to improve quality and measure design improvements of clothes washing equipment.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING INDUSTRI PUPUK: MENGUBAH LIMBAH CAIR EQUALIZER MENJADI SUMBER DAYA TERBARUKAN 2024-07-09T12:35:52+00:00 Luluk Edahwati Sutiyono Indah Nur Fauziyyah <p><em>Industri pupuk memiliki peran penting dalam menunjang ketahanan pangan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Namun, proses produksinya menghasilkan limbah cair yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan dan membahayakan kesehatan manusia. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi industri pupuk untuk mengelola limbah cairnya dengan baik dan menerapkan praktik produksi yang ramah lingkungan untuk meminimalkan dampak negatifnya. Dengan kandungan ammonia yang tinggi didalam limbah (5999 ppm) dapat diolah kembali menjadi pupuk struvite dengan penambahan phosphat dan magnesium dalam rasio 1:1:2 dan 2:1:1. pH diatur pada kisaran 7-11. Running dilakukan pada temperatur 30oC dengan kecepatan pengadukan sebesar 200 rpm. Kondisi terbaik didapatkan pada rasio 2:1:1 serta pH 9. Dalam kondisi ini struvite yang terbentuk sebesar 56%.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME RANCANG BANGUN JIG AND FIXTURE BOR DAN GERINDA PORTABLE 2024-07-06T05:03:42+00:00 Marselinus Angga Setyo Atmojo Michael Dion Lisanto Ferdi Kurniawan Ahmad Khairul Faizin Fatkhurrohman Rizqa Ruviana Danny Pratama Lamura <p><em>Jigs and fixtures are tools designed to provide operator convenience and comfort in operating tools. The jig is a tool that serves to hold or position a specific tool, and the fixture is a tool that serves to lock and position the workpiece. In this design, the jig is used to hold a portable drill or grinder, and the fixture is a vise that functions to hold the workpiece. The main purpose of this design is to find out performance of jigs and fixtures for portable drill and grinder in drilling and cutting workpieces also testing the safety factor of it. The method used is experimental with data collection and simulation using soldiworks software. Based on the results of simulations that have been carried out using solidworks, it is found that the safety factor value resulting from the design is 91.79 with a given load of 80kg. For the results of drilling and cutting from portable drill and grinding jigs and fixtures, the error is 0.46% up to 14.85% for drill and for grinders it is 0% up to 9.62%. Based on the simulations carried out this design can be declared safe and can cut and perforate workpieces.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ULASAN: PROSES MANUFAKTUR DAN PENGARUH WEIGHT ROLLER CVT PADA SEPEDA MOTOR MATIC 2024-07-05T10:53:28+00:00 R Dwi Pudji Susilo Susilo Muhamad Fitri Kurniawan Sulthan Fawwaz Susilo Hadi Pranoto <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 18.0pt 0cm 18.0pt 0cm;"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">Abstract.</span></em></strong><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;"> The problem of durability and rapid wear of the CVT Weight Roller on automatic motorcycle is a problem or challenge in the future.&nbsp; </span></em><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: #0d0d0d;">System&nbsp; </span></em><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: #333333;">Continuously Variable Transmission</span></em><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: #0d0d0d;"> (CVT) is now increasingly commonly used on automatic motorcycle, providing smooth gear changes and increasing fuel efficiency.&nbsp; One of the important components in the CVT system is the weight roller which plays an important role in regulating the transmission ratio.&nbsp; The aim is to examine the manufacturing process used in the production of roller weights and the influence of CVT roller weight on automatic motorcycle.</span></em><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">&nbsp; method&nbsp; </span></em><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: #0d0d0d;">The review begins with an explanation of the basic principles of CVT operation and the importance of roller weight in optimizing transmission performance. In addition to manufacturing processes, this review discusses key considerations in material selection for roller weights, emphasizing the importance of mechanical properties, thermal stability, and friction characteristics.&nbsp; It also addresses challenges related to quality control and regulatory compliance in the production of roller loads for CVT systems. Overall, this review provides valuable insight into the process of creating CVT roller weights and the influence of roller weights on today's automatic motorcycles.&nbsp; By synthesizing existing knowledge and identifying emerging trends, it is hoped that this paper will serve as a guide for researchers and practitioners seeking to improve the performance, reliability and sustainability of CVT systems in the automotive industry.</span></em></p> <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 18.0pt 14.0pt 18.0pt 0cm;"><strong><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">Keywords:</span></em></strong><em><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">&nbsp; Manufacturing, material, weight roller, CVT.</span></em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ULASAN: TEKNIK MANUFAKTUR KOMPOSIT HIJAU DAN APLIKASINYA PADA PERKERETAAPIAN 2024-07-05T04:31:07+00:00 M Azizi Hadi Pranoto Muhamad Fitri <p>Abstrak: Makalah ini memberikan tinjauan komprehensif tentang teknik manufaktur komposit hijau dan penerapannya dalam industri kereta api. Komposit hijau, yang terdiri dari bahan berbasis serat alami dan matriks polimer ramah lingkungan, menawarkan alternatif berkelanjutan untuk bahan konvensional yang digunakan dalam manufaktur kereta api. Penelitian ini mengkaji berbagai metode produksi komposit hijau, termasuk pencetakan dengan cetakan terbuka seperti hand lay-up, vacuum bagging, pressure bagging, spray- up, dan filament winding serta pencetakan dengan cetakan tertutup seperti cetakan kompresi, cetakan injeksi, dan pultrussi kontinu. Selain itu, makalah ini memberikan pemahaman tentang keunggulan komposit hijau dalam hal pengurangan bobot, peningkatan efisiensi energi, dan dampak lingkungan yang lebih rendah. Penerapan komposit hijau dalam komponen kereta api seperti bodi kereta, bagian interior, dan struktur pendukung ditinjau secara mendalam, menyoroti studi kasus implementasi nyata di industri. Hasil tinjauan menunjukkan bahwa komposit hijau memiliki potensi yang signifikan untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan dan efisiensi di sektor perkeretaapian. Namun, tantangan seperti biaya produksi dan standar kualitas masih perlu ditangani. Dengan perkembangan teknologi dan meningkatnya kesadaran lingkungan, penggunaan komposit hijau diharapkan semakin luas di masa depan.</p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ULASAN PEMBUATAN KOMPOSIT KAMPAS REM DARI SERAT ALAMI 2024-07-05T03:02:08+00:00 Aap Pandriana Hadi Pranoto Sagir Alva <p><em>This paper discusses the importance of brake pads in vehicle safety and the need to replace asbestos materials with non-asbestos alternatives due to health risks. To make non-asbestos brake pads, biocomposite technology is needed which utilizes natural fibers. There are various natural fibers such as coconut, bamboo, sugarcane bagasse, teak wood, and banana stem used in the production of composite brake pads. This article discusses the manufacturing methods, test results, and performance evaluation of these materials. Various test methods were used to determine the mechanical properties and effectiveness of the brake pads. Overall, this research aims to find best practices in manufacturing environmentally friendly, non-asbestos brake pads with the most effective performance characteristics. The conclusion of this research emphasizes the importance of using the hot press method to maximize the binding of composite materials and the size of the reinforcing fibers used, the smaller the size, the more optimal the composite density.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME ULASAN METODE PENGUJIAN LAJU KOROSI PADA MATERIAL BAJA KARBON 2024-10-31T04:31:33+00:00 Sri Pudjiwati Hadi Pranoto I Gusti Ayu Arwati <p><em>Valve is a vital component in the oil and gas industry to regulate the flow of oil and gas fluids. Selection of materials for body valve very important because part closure valve susceptible to corrosion, especially during hydrotest testing. Cases of corrosion on parts closure valve type trunnion happened at PT. XYZ after testing hydrotest and storage in warehouse. Corrosion, caused by chemical reactions between metal and the environment, can cause significant financial losses. Factors such as the chemical composition of the material, temperature, pressure, and inhibitors also influence the corrosion rate. This study aims to compare corrosion rate testing methods based on the literature. The methodology used includes the lost weight testing method (weight loss method) which measures the rate of corrosion by observing changes in material weight, the electrochemical testing method which studies the rate and mechanism of corrosion through electrochemical reactions, and the microscope method which analyzes the surface structure of the material microscopically. Previous research results on corrosion on materials such as AISI 1065 carbon steel, ASTM A105 pipes, low carbon steel, metal welded joints, and JIS G-3141 steel, show that there are variations in corrosion rates and the factors that influence them, such as the use of inhibitors and environmental conditions. . Method comparison shows that Electrochemical testing methods provide rapid, sensitive, and comprehensive results, making them effective methods for industrial applications and advanced research. In conclusion, environmental factors, material composition, and test methods greatly influence the corrosion rate. The use of inhibitors and other protective techniques is effective in reducing the rate of corrosion and extending the life of the material. This research suggests the use of electrochemical methods as the best method to determine the rate of corrosion valve closure at PT. XYZ, especially on valves made from ASTM A105N material.</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME REVIEW OF HYBRID BEARING BUSHING MANUFACTURE 2024-07-04T08:39:41+00:00 Ana Nur Octaviani Hadi Pranoto R Dwi Pudji Susilo <p><em>This paper review explores the latest advancements in the design, production, and testing of hybrid bushing bearings - critical components that provide smooth, controlled motion in a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. Method of this paper is summarize some differences in the following four things, namely: Design – Hybrid bushing bearings are cylindrical, sleeve-like components that fit over a shaft and provide a durable, low-friction interface between moving parts. They support radial and axial loads, enable precision positioning, and minimize vibration for optimal performance of machinery and equipment Hybrid bushing bearings are found in diverse industries, from automotive and aerospace to material handling and agricultural equipment Material Selection - The choice of materials, such as bronze, aluminum, steel, or engineered polymers, affects the bearing's wear resistance and load-bearing capacity. Process Chain - Emerging Trends in bushing bearing manufacturing processes is to use co-extrusion, induction heating, die forging, machining, and heat treatment. Not to forget also the comparative analysis of hybrid bearing bushing with test methods such as electromechanical mandreling, ultrasonic testing, electrical conductivity, shear testing, and hardness measurements. The result is , hybrid bearing bushings represent a promising technology with the potential to revolutionize various industrial sectors by offering a lightweight, durable, and efficient solution for critical bearing applications</em></p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TESME