
Seminar Theme

"Technology & Mechanical Engineering"

The National Seminar "TESME" (Technological and Mechanical Engineering Seminar) was held by Mechanical Engineering UPN "Veteran" East Java this year. This seminar carries the theme "Synergy in the Field of Mechanical Engineering with Industry for a Sustainable and Low Emission Future" which is expected to raise key ideas in solving the current problems of the Indonesian nation. Of course, this activity will not run smoothly without the help and participation of various parties, including the academic community, the industrial world, the wider community and government.

This seminar activity consists of two parts, namely the National Seminar and the Collection of Scientific Papers which will be published in reputable journals. The TESME National Seminar will be held on August 7 2024 in Surabaya, located at GKB of UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur.


The aim of the National Seminar with the topic "Synergy in the Field of Mechanical Engineering and Industry for a Sustainable and Low Emission Future" is to discuss and further understanding of how collaboration between the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Industry can contribute to a sustainable and low emission future. Some of the goals that may be achieved through this seminar include:

  1. Increased Awareness: This seminar aims to increase awareness about the importance of synergy between Mechanical Engineering and Industry in facing energy and environmental challenges.
  2. Information Delivery: Seminar participants will receive the latest information about technology and innovation in the field of Mechanical Engineering that can be applied in industry to reduce emissions and increase sustainability.
  3. Network Building: Seminars are an opportunity for professionals, researchers, and students to interact, share knowledge, and build collaborative networks.
  4. Solution Development: Discussions and presentations at seminars can produce concrete ideas and solutions for dealing with climate change and sustainability.

Keynotes Speaker
